Mariafrancesca Denora , M.A.

Photographic Collection, Employee

Main Focus

  • Image archives and research databases
  • Art Documentation in Photography
  • Reception of Antiquity in Modern Art
  • Sustainability in Art

Curriculum Vitae

Mariafrancesca Denora completed her Master´s degree in European Art History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on the role of sustainability in crypto-art. At the same University she before obtained the Bachelor´s degree in European Art History and French Studies. She carried out various internships in museums, galleries and research institutes for art history, such as at the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen, in the photo library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence and at the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris. She also took part in the project "Document the Palatine" between the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and the Bibliotheca Hertziana. From 2017 to 2020 she was a research assistant at the Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, 2021 she worked in the Galleria Borghese and from March to July 2022 she was a research assistant in the Photographic Collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, where she since August 2022 works as a collaborator.

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