Digital Library: Catalogs
Local OPAC Hertziana
The local OPAC lists Bibliotheca Hertziana holdings and shelfmarks of works that are located in one of the three other KUBIKAT libraries in Florence, Munich and Paris. A red-green light system indicates the in-house lending status for Bibliotheca Hertziana holdings. Red means "Borrowed"; these books can be requested at the information desk. All resources are displayed, even if the corresponding publication is only available in one of the other three libraries.
KUBIKAT is the online catalogue of the Art Libraries Network composed of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich and the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris. KUBIKAT is one of the most important bibliographic research tools in the discipline. Essays are systematically indexed according to subject.
Bibliotheca Hertziana's rare book digitization
The freely accessible online viewer makes rare books available in digital form.
The portal to more than 200 online catalogue databases (ARTstor, JSTOR, Prometheus etc.).
DBIS portal
Overview of Electronic Journals which are licensed and made available for the Bibliotheca Hertziana.
Electronic Journals Library
Lists all licensed electronic resources freely accessible for the Bibliotheca Hertziana and the Max Planck Society (databases, digital collections, E-book-collections, catalogs, etc.).
ReNa Resource Navigator Max Planck Gesellschaft
MPG E-Books
Catalog of all E-books accessible within the Max Planck Society. MPG.eBooks
JSTOR is a digital library for scholars, researchers and students. The catalogue offers access to more than twelve million academic articles, books and primary source collections in 75 disciplines. It also allows searches for essay titles and keywords within articles (full text).
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK)
The KVK is a search engine for several hundred million items in catalogues all over the world.
The Bibliotheca Hertziana is a member of the URBiS Library Network which combines the catalogues of international research institutes located in Rome. They include the American Academy in Rome, the British School at Rome, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, the Deutsches Historisches Institut and the École Française de Rome.
Art Discovery Group Catalogue
The Art Discovery Group Catalogue is an international art history research tool.
Fachportal für Kunstgeschichte