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- Hertziana Insights
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- Department Michalsky
- Constructing a City’s Art History. Pietro Summonte’s Letter on the Art of Naples (1524)
- Historical Spaces in Flavio Biondo's Italia illustrata
- Cinematic Space
- Conques in the Global World
- Editing Naples
- Images of Europe Beyond Europe
- Summer Residences and Retreats of the Rulers around Mount Vulture
- Mapping Sacred Spaces
- Palimpsest Naples
- Department Weddigen
- Decolonizing Italian Visual and Material Culture
- Now we have seen. Women and Art in the Seventies in Italy
- The #ScienceForUkraine Initiative
- Sport, Body and Race in Fascist Visual Culture
- Bellori Edition Project
- Digital Visual Studies
- Grégory Sugnaux - «Post Scriptum»
- Heinrich Wölfflin – Collected Works
- Italy in a Global Context
- Materiality and Mediality
- Nymphaeum
- Rome Contemporary
- The Transnational History of Art History
- Department Michalsky
- Emeritae & Emeriti
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- Senior Scholar
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