
Speaker: Conference Location: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome and online (Vimeo)

Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions

This conference brings together almost five years of research from the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions.” The Research Group has compared different scientific disciplines of the late medieval and early modern periods, from anatomy to the study of magnetism. [more]

New Perspectives on Mersenne in the History of Knowledge, Music, and Religion

In the historiography of the philosopher, mathematician, and Minim theologian Marin Mersenne (1588–1648), 2024 marks 91 years since the publication of the first volume of his Correspondance, 81 years since Robert Lenoble’s trailblazing biography, and 36 years since Peter Dear’s revisionist study of Mersenne and the Jesuit milieu that produced his “deliberately unrevolutionary” scholarship in a rather revolutionary period. [more]
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