Events Archive

Location: Due to current safety regulations the workshop must take place without an audience on site.

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 1. From the Analogue to the Digital: On The Changing Role of the Image in Collections and Research
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers. [more]
In its wealth of relics, Rome surpassed all other cities of the Roman Empire by far. Pope Damasus I (366-384), known as "cultor martyrum", initiated the cultivation of this heritage, a practice that was systematically renewed under Paschal I (817-824). Yet it did not take long for relics of foreign saints to be imported into Rome and integrated into the cult practice and sacred topography of the city. [more]
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