Events Archive

Location: Zoom Platform

Brazilian Art and the Return to Painting in the 1980s

Research Seminar
Reviewing the samba school processions during the 1987 carnival in Rio de Janeiro, art critic Frederico Morais cited Achille Bonito Oliva. The Italian art critic and curator had been in Brazil only a few days before, and caused outrage with certain derisory comments about the local culture; notably, that Brazilian art was inextricably associated with samba. [more]

Art as Project, Project as Art: Antonio Dias and Painting after Conceptual Art

Research Seminar
In this research seminar, Sérgio B. Martins explores two competing notions of project that informed Antonio Dias's painting in the early 1970s, one relating to the unfinished project as a subgenre of Conceptual art and the other to Italian debates apropos of the crisis of the historicity of modern art. [more]
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