Picturing Sainthood: Images and the Making of Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism
- Public event without registration
- Beginn: 19.06.2024 15:00
- Ende: 21.06.2024 17:30
- Vortragende: Conference
- Ort: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome and online (only keynote lectures)
- Kontakt: mara.freiberg@biblhertz.it

The conference is organized by the ERC- and SNSF-funded project Global Economies of Salvation. Art and the Negotiation of Sanctity in the Early Modern Period (GLOBECOSAL) at the University of Zurich in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rome.
For ONLINE PARTICIPATION at the the KEYNOTE LECTURES through our Vimeo Channel: please follow the links inserted directly in the program.
PROGRAM (Only the Keynote Lectures can be followed online, see below)
June 19th
15:30 – Refreshments
16:00 – Welcome by Director Tristan Weddigen & Opening Address by Raphaèle Preisinger
16:30 – Paolo Aranha: “Disguising and Revealing: Hagiography and Iconography on the Martyrdom of the Maronite Jesuit Abraham de Georgiis (Massawa, 1595)”
17:00 – Pause
17:30 – Keynote Address by Simon Ditchfield: “Asymmetrical Sanctity between Celebration and Control: Imagining Roman Catholicism as a World Religion (1586–1634)”
Online participation through our Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/event/4369532
18:30 – End of the Session
June 20th
13:30 – Francisco Montes González: “New Spain’s Jesuits and the Visual Strategies for Promotion of the Cult of Saint Rosalie of Palermo”
14:00 – Bat-ami Artzi and Cécile Michaud: “An Augustinian Martyrial Discourse in Image and Text: Friar Diego Ortiz in Antonio de la Calancha’s Chronicle and in a Unique Colonial Painting”
14:30 – Lucía Querejazu Escobari: “Jesús dividió su aprisco entre uno y otro Francisco. Saint Francis Solanus as an Early Modern alter Franciscus (1630–1675)”
15:00 – Pause
15:30 – Hannah Joy Friedman: “Aspiring Saints’ Images and the Books That Illustrated Them: The Censored Portraits of Nicolás de Ayllón (1632–1677)”
16:00 – Jonathan Greenwood: “Engraving Miracles and Miraculous Engravings: Prints, Healing, and the Cult of Stanisław Kostka in Peru during the Long Seventeenth Century”
16:30 – Carlos Rojas: “From the Image as a Body to the Body as an Image: Possessions and Miracles of Maria Gertrudis in Santafé de Bogotá during the 18th Century”
17:00 – Pause
17:30 – Keynote Address by Ramón Mujica Pinilla: “Picturing Creole Sainthood in Viceregal Peru: St. Rose of Lima and Amerindian Triumphalism in Spain's Multiethnic Empire”
Online participation through our Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/event/4369539
18:30 – End of the Session and Aperitivo
June 21st
9:00 – Wei Jiang: “Invisible Men: The Indian Victims in the Hagiographic Representations of the Cuncolim Martyrs”
9:30 – Regalado Trota Jose: “Searching for Images That Promoted the Causes of the Saints in the Early Modern Philippines”
10:00 – Yoshie Kojima: “Representations of St. Francis Xavier and St. Ignatius of Loyola during the Christian and Hidden Christian Period of Japan (16th–19th Centuries): Eucharistic Imagery and Forms of Devotion”
10:30 – Pause
11:00 – Antonio De Caro: “Strange Holy Creatures: Imagining St. Francis Xavier’s Miracle(s) of the Crab”
11:30 – Elisabetta Corsi and Alessandro Dell'Orto: “Picturing Sainthood in Shaanxi: The Miraculous Story of How Etienne Faber, S.J. (1597-1657) Became a Tudi Ye”
12:00 – Anthony E. Clark: “China Baroque: Promoting China’s Jesuit Saints in Hagiographic Art and Drama”
12:30 – Lunch
14:00 – Urte Krass: “St. Thomas the Apostle on Three Continents: Tracing his Images and Relics in the 16th Century”
14:30 – Raphaèle Preisinger: “Competition and Discord in (Visual) Saint-Making: The Case of the Martyrs of Japan”
15:00 – Closing Remarks
Only the KEYNOTE LECTURES can be followed also ONLINE / on our VIMEO CHANNEL through a link, that soon will be published HERE.
Image: Stefano della Bella, Decoration for a Thesis in Honor of Saint Francis Solano, Etching, 26.5 × 37.1 cm, 1639. Image © Public domain, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)