Kris Racaniello, MPhil

Kress Fellow


  • Medieval Trans-Pyrenees (the Atlantic periphery broadly)
  • Material narratives and happenings
  • Shrine construction and shrine concepteurs
  • Codicophagy and post-medieval macerations
  • “Living Medievalisms” and performance studies


The Power of Material Narratives: Constructing Shrines Across the Pyrenees Over the Long Twelfth Century


Kris Racaniello is a PhD candidate in the Department of Art History at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Kris was a research fellow at the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris for a project on “Elusive Materials” from January to March 2023. This fellowship supported and enriched the forthcoming publication “The “Iron Man”: Narrative Muslims and Vanishing Objects in the Shrine of Sainte Foy at Conques.” Racaniello’s Dissertation project is entitled “The Power of Material Narratives: Constructing Shrines Across the Pyrenees Over the Long Twelfth Century,” which approaches shrines as consciously constructed sites that (re)newed cultic foci through material narratives, carefully crafted by a group of special, competing shrine concepteurs. Kris is involved in the project “Conques in the Global World” acting as an editor and scientific collaborator and as head of the project’s auralization, collecting acoustic data and processing the soundscape of the Abbey Church in Conques. Previously, Racaniello was Co-Director at Field Projects gallery (2016–2023) and NY Gallery Manager for Les Enluminures (2016–2022), curating and producing over 100 exhibitions and art events, and others as an independent curator and consultant. At the Bibliotheca Hertziana, they are the 2023–2025 Kress Foundation History of Art Institutional Fellow in the Department Michalsky.


  • Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies: Mentorship and Professionalization
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