Abteilung Michalsky
José Gabriel Alegría, M.A.
Mundus Archetypus: Three–Faced Trinity and Heterodoxy in 16th-Century Naples
Harleen Kaur Bagga, M.A.
Visions Across Time: The Birth of the Presepio
Dr. Alev Berberoğlu
The Image of Naples in Sultan Abdülhamid II’s Photography Collection
Dr. Adrian Bremenkamp
Topographie, Zeitlichkeit und Materialität der Heiligenverehrung in Süditalien (13.-14. Jahrhundert)
Alessio Ciannarella, M.A.
Space and Time in the Periegetic Literature in Rome (XVII-XIX Century)
Damiana Di Bonito, Ph.D.
The ‘Risanamento’ in Naples. Transformation, Demolition and the Survival of Medieval Architecture
Şirin Datli, M.A.
Erkenntnis und Zweifel. Neapolitanische Malerei und wissenschaftlicher Wandel im 17. Jahrhundert
Malvina Giordana, Ph.D.
The Visual Culture of the Italian Mezzogiorno. Cinema and Tourism Production Systems (1947–1962)
Dr. Semra Horuz
Visualizing Europe in Late Ottoman Capital: Photographs, Drawings, and Remediations
Rebecca Johnson, M.A.
Signaling Saintly Presence: Constructing Identity in Fourteenth to Seventeenth-Century Dalmatia
Nora Lambert, M.A.
Picturing Mobility: Late Medieval and Renaissance Naples at the Threshold of the Mediterranean
Dr. Anna Magnago Lampugnani
Transkulturelle Verhandlungen: Adelsgrabmäler in Neapel in der Zeit der spanischen Vizekönige
Kris Racaniello, MPhil
The Power of Material Narratives: Constructing Shrines Across the Pyrenees Over the Long Twelfth Century
Mariano Saggiomo, Ph.D.
Worship and Magnificence in Naples between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. The Case of Noble Chapels
Dr. Elisabetta Scirocco
Die Bewältigung von Naturkatastrophen im Spiegel der historischen Rekonstruktionen Neapels
Stephanie Wisowaty, M.A.
Painted Processional Crosses in Late Medieval Italy (c. 1250–1500): Movement, Mediation and Multisensory Effects