New Fellows’ Presentation


  • Public event without registration
  • Datum: 06.12.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 16:00 - 18:30
  • Vortragende(r): New Researchers at the Bibliotheca Hertziana
  • Ort: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, RM 00187 Rome and online (Vimeo)
  • Kontakt:
New Fellows’ Presentation
The Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History comprises two departments and two research groups with a great variety of methodological, historical, and geographical perspectives and themes, ranging from “Cities and Spaces in the Middle Ages” to “Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context”, and from “Visualising Science in Media Revolution” to “Decay, Loss, and Conservation in Art History”. The Institute hosts fellows from diverse regions and backgrounds both at a pre-doc and a post-doc level.

On the occasion of the “New Fellows’ Presentation”, the fellows who have recently joined the Institute will briefly introduce the topic and discuss key questions of their projects. The purpose is to build vibrant intellectual exchanges between the community of the Bibliotheca Hertziana and those of the Rome-based international institutions and Universities’ Graduate Schools.

Please follow this event also online on our VIMEO Channel:


16:00 Welcome

16:10 Harleen Bagga (Predoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Visions Across Time: The Birth of the Presepio

16:20 Alev Berberoğlu (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), The Image of Naples in Sultan Abdülhamid II’s Photography Collection

16:30 Anna Dumont (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Portatrici, Lavandaie, Cucitrici: Picturesque modernism and the image of the Italian woman at work

16:40 Semra Horuz (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Visualizing Europe in Late Ottoman Capital: Photographs, Drawings, and Remediations

16:50 Rebecca Johnson (Predoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Signaling Saintly Presence: Constructing Identity in Fourteenth to Seventeenth Century Dalmatia

17:00 Roberta Minnucci (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Performing Naples in the 1970s: Artistic Experiments in the Urban Context

17:10 Linda Mueller (Predoctoral Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Drawn to Law: Legal Drawings in Early Modern Italy in an Age of Empire

17:20 break

17:30 Giulia Murace (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Reti artistiche transnazionali: italiani, spagnoli e latinoamericani a Roma (1870-1915)

17:40 Costanza Paolillo (Predoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Paradise Gatekeepers. Social Space and Preservation of Italian Heritage in Global Context: The Amalfi Coast Case

17:50 Mariano Saggiomo (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Michalsky), Culto e magnificenza a Napoli tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna: il caso delle cappelle gentilizie

18:00 Frida Viktoria Sandström (Paris x Rome Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Art criticism as social critique. The Disintegration, Deculturalization, and Objection of Art Criticism in 1969

18:10 Braden Scott (Postdoctoral Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Burgundy in Bethlehem

18:20 Grégory Sugnaux (Arts Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), Shape-shifting: Transfiguring Art History

18:30 Ianick Takaes (Guest Fellow/Dept. Weddigen), “Durissimum iudicium gentibus profert”: On the Circulation of Philippe Thomassin’s Last Judgment (1606)

18:40 Informal gathering and discussion

Scientific Organization: Lara Demori and Elisabetta Scirocco

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