Malvina Giordana, Ph.D.



  • Contemporary Italian Cinema Modes of Representation (Film Analysis and Film Theory)
  • Post War Italian Cinema Production System (Production Culture Studies)
  • Italian Landscape and Tourist Gaze (Cultural Geography and Visual Culture)
  • Virtual Reality and Forms of Radical Mediation (Aesthetics, Media Theory and Media Archeology)


The Visual Culture of the Italian Mezzogiorno. Cinema and Tourism Production Systems (1947–1962)

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • “The Producer’s Roles. La Euro International Films e i fratelli Cicogna attraverso un primo sguardo alle fonti (1965–1970)”, in Gli archivi della produzione cinematografica (1949–1976). Fonti, stru-menti di lavoro, casi di studio, ed. Mariapia Comand and Simone Venturini (Numero speciale di L’Avventura, 2 [2021]).
  • Italian Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Representing the Precarious Subject”, in Italian Industrial Literature and Film: Perspectives on the Representation of Labor, ed. Carlo Baghetti, Jim Carter and Lorenzo Marmo, Oxford et al. 2021, pp. 219–235.
  • Prove di regia per il teatro nella realtà virtuale. Il caso di Segnale d’allarme. La mia battaglia VR”, in Redirecting. La regia nello spettacolo del XXI secolo (conference proceedings, Lecce), ed. Luca Bandirali, Daniela Castaldo and Francesco Ceraolo, Salento 2020, pp. 95–102.
  • La realtà virtuale come atmosfera mediale. Il caso di Notes on Blindness: Into Darkness, in VCS –  Visual Culture Studies. Rivista semestrale di cultura visuale. Atmosfere mediali, ed. Ruggero Eugeni and Giulia Raciti, 1 (2020), pp. 19–36.


Malvina Giordana is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on Film and Media Studies. Her interests focus on contemporary mediascape and Italian Cinema.In 2018 she obtained her Ph.D. in Visual Studies at Roma Tre University (Department of Philosophy Communication and Performing Arts) with a dissertation titled Media, Environment, Landscapes. From Linear Perspective to Cosmic View. Combining media archeology approach and cultural geography, the thesis draws a cultural history of the western landscape from the Renaissance’s perspective grid to data visualization, arguing that through the image of the landscape – both as an aesthetic object and as a virtual environment – the relation between subjects, objects, the natural and the technical has been constantly reshaped, requiring today a new epistemological framework to deal with contemporary forms of radical mediation. She has been a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in “Film, Photography and Television” at Roma Tre University for the following three years (2019—2022) and part of the national research project (PRIN) “Modes, Memories and Cultures of Italian Film Production from 1949 to 1976”, focusing on “below the line” cinema professions, combining research on modes of production with interpretative tools of Production Culture Studies and paying attention to the relations between industrial phenomena and cultural forces, such as working practices, languages, imagery.

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