Datathink 2024 / AI & Cities: Sampling the Past, Interpreting the Present in Future Tense
- Keynote conference open to public: March 5, 2024
- Inizio: 04.03.2024
- Fine: 08.03.2024
- Relatore: Workshop and Winter School
- Luogo: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome and online
- Contatto:

How do algorithmic techniques like deep
learning and computer vision challenge or complement existing methods in fields
like architecture, urban studies, and architectural and urban history? What new
questions and blindspots emerge?
As urban data extraction and analysis grows
increasingly automated, how does this transform disciplinary notions of
evidence, objectivity, and knowledge production?
How do algorithmic interfaces, predictive
policing, and automated urban management systems constrain or enable social
justice claims and aspirations in the city?
Keynote: Silvio Carta, University of Greenwich
Julio Paulos, Future Cities Lab Global, ETHZ
Shin Koseki, Université de Montréal
Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Digital Visual Studies, UZH
ONLY KEYNOTE WILL BE OPEN TO PUBLIC: Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 18:00–19:15
Keynote: Silvio Carta, University of Greenwich
Silvio Carta’s (University of Greenwich) research includes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning design methods applied to the built environment, urban data science, data-driven approaches and computational design. He is the author of Big Data, Code and the Discrete City. Shaping Public Realms (Routledge 2019), Machine Learning and the City: Applications in Architecture and Urban Design (Wiley 2022), and Accidental Collectives: How Computers Create Social Structures (Palgrave MacMillan/Springer Nature 2024).
For further information follow also this link: Datathink (
Winter School - Inscription & Schedule
Deadline for applications: February 5, 2024
The winter school is offered at no cost upon application and selection. The travel, accommodation, and food costs will be covered individually by the participants themselves. No prior coding or programming skills are required, although they might be a plus.
We encourage early career researchers from the arts, humanities, social sciences, information science, engineering, and design to apply. An ability to converse across disciplinary perspectives is essential.
Information and applications contact:
Schedule: Everyday 2 pm to 6 pm
Monday March 4th: Presentations of papers by participants
Tuesday March 5th: Keynote presentations + Feedback sessions
Wednesday March 6th: free
Thursday March 7th: Writing workshop + hands-on workshop
Friday March 8th: Writing workshop + hands-on workshop