Events Archive

Gastgeber: Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 8. Final Reflections: A Workshop to Explore the Seminars’ Findings
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers and resources. This invites reflection on how these modern technologies impact the generation of new questions. In the past years, the Max Planck Research Group Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions has organised a series of online seminars which asked researchers, librarians, software developers, curators, archivists, and artists to reflect on the impact that digital media and tools have on their working practices. [mehr]

Contemporaneità barocca: riletture incrociate di due mostre attuali

Il workshop si pone come obiettivo principale quello di comprendere l’arte del presente e il suo riutilizzo del passato, instaurando un dialogo interdisciplinare sulle nozioni di temporalità e storicità a partire da un confronto diretto con le opere esposte all’interno delle due mostre Tempo Barocco (Gallerie Nazionali Palazzo Barberini) e Damien Hirst-Archaeology Now (Galleria Borghese). [mehr]
"Benché senza colori abbino tutta la forza dell’arte". In questo modo, nel 1590, Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo descriveva le opere realizzate a chiaroscuro, restituendo tutta la complessità teorica di un’opera pittorica eseguita con una tavolozza ridotta. Una pittura così realizzata, infatti, assume un singolare vigore espressivo in virtù dell’assenza della consueta policromia a suggerire i colori della realtà. [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 6. Visualizing Information: On the Digital Model as a Heuristic Tool
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers and resources. [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 5. Dealing with Data: On Historical and Current Practices Surrounding the Management of Information
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers and resources. [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 4. Between Digitisation and Creation: New Tools and Resources for the Study and Use of Images in the Digital Age
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers. This invites reflection on how these modern technologies impact the generation of new questions. In order to examine this, the Max Planck Research Group Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions is organising a series of online seminars that asks researchers, librarians, software developers, curators, archivists, and artists to reflect on the impact that digital media and tools have on their working practices. [mehr]

Una mostra sulle relazioni artistiche tra Italia e Brasile alla metà del '900

Research Seminar
Nella primavera del 2016 il Mudec (Museo delle Culture) di Milano ha ospitato il progetto espositivo Italiani sull’Oceano. Storie di artisti nel Brasile moderno e indigeno alla meta del ‘900. Frutto di un lavoro di ricerca di diversi anni e della collaborazione tra la cattedra di Storia dell’arte contemporanea del Dipartimento di Beni culturali e Ambientali dell’Università degli studi di Milano e il Mac Usp (Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo), la mostra - attraverso l’esposizione di dipinti, fotografie, oggetti di design e documenti provenienti da importanti musei e collezioni internazionali - aveva l’ambizione di mettere in luce l’attrazione per il Brasile, fonte di ispirazione per artisti ed intellettuali italiani. [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 3. Emails and Letters: Curating Correspondence in the Digital Age
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers. This invites reflection on how these modern technologies impact the generation of new questions. In order to examine this, the Max Planck Research Group Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions is organising a series of online seminars that asks researchers, librarians, software developers, curators, archivists, and artists to reflect on the impact that digital media and tools have on their working practices. [mehr]
La realtà non è come appare. Almeno ai nostri occhi. Cosa vedremmo allora se la nostra capacità di messa a fuoco e risoluzione fosse decine di volte maggiore? E se espandessimo la potenza dei nostri occhi dal visibile all’intero spettro della luce? [mehr]

Still Lives: Representing and Looking at Nature Then and Now

Research Seminar
This seminar explores representations of nature, particularly those of plants, focusing on the early modern period and looking at how early modern strategies shifted and continue into the contemporary era. [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 2. Presenting and Investigating the Book as a Digital Object: New Directions in Book History and Publishing
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers. [mehr]

Freedom of Movement, by Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani

The Bibliotheca Hertziana is screening Nina Fischer and Maroan El Sani’s Freedom of Movement, a short film exploring traces of the Fascist era in the urban fabric of Rome. A Q&A with the artists and the art historian Carmen Belmonte will follow. [mehr]

Going in Eremo: Withdrawal and the Eremitic Ideal in NY, P. Morgan Library, MS. M.626

Research Seminar
At the turn of the fourteenth century, eremitic life—typified by the third and fourth century saints known as the Desert Fathers—was presented as a spiritual ideal not only for mendicant friars but also for the laity who were encouraged to withdraw to their own "desert", any space where they could connect with God. Art historians have traditionally explored the significance of the Desert Fathers by examining wall and panel paintings, while illustrated copies of the tradition’s fundamental text have gone largely unremarked. [mehr]
During the second half of the 17th century, the natural philosophers associated with the Royal Society of London increasingly embraced empiricism, identifying sensory experience as the foundation for knowledge of nature. They did not, however, make this choice in the naive belief that the senses give us reliable insights into the world around us, or even that nature contains meanings to which the human mind has access. Like recent theorists of the relationship between humans and nature, therefore, the scientists of 17th-century England were alive to the possibility that our perceptions of nature might not bear much of a resemblance to nature as it exists for itself. [mehr]

Altruistic Desire and Self-Abnegation in the Crypts of Santa Maria della Concezione

Research Seminar
Dismissed as examples of a superstitious baroque "necroculture", the bone-encrusted mortuary installations of the Capuchin Order are typically viewed though a reductive optic of unhistoricized Catholic repentance or Protestant contempt. In this talk, I will examine the social and soteriological stakes of using human remains as an artistic material for the creation of Christian funerary art, asking above all why the blatant materiality of death became so important for Capuchin religious experience in Counter-Reformation Rome. [mehr]

Ligorio digitale — Idee e prospettive per un' edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Pirro Ligorio

Colloquio e workshop internazionali
Il colloquio, che vedrà la partecipazione di studiosi e giovani ricercatori provenienti da varie Università e Centri di Ricerca europei, sarà articolato in due giornate: la prima sarà aperta al pubblico - da remoto tramite streaming - e dedicata agli interventi dei rappresentanti delle istituzioni coinvolte nel progetto (Commissione per l’Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Pirro Ligorio, l’Archivio di Stato di Torino, la Biblioteca Hertziana, il Census), alla discussione su esperienze di Digital Humanities collegabili per metodi e finalità al progetto del "Ligorio digitale" e alla presentazione di alcune proposte di ricerca in relazione al nuovo strumento di ricerca. [mehr]

Michelangelo Antonioni and the Matter of Painting

Research Seminar
This talk explores the connections between Michelangelo Antonioni’s cinema and 1960s and 1970s painting. The intermediality of cinema and painting problematizes notions of purity in both arts. Why Antonioni’s cinema is often considered pure and abstract? [mehr]

Seminar Series: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences

Seminar 1. From the Analogue to the Digital: On The Changing Role of the Image in Collections and Research
In the early modern period, a new visual culture was generated as a result of new media (as a result of the printing press); new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new questions about nature and the world. Similarly, one could argue that the current development of digital media (such as the internet, and online publication options) and digital tools (such as online catalogues and databases, or 3D modelling software) has led to new ways of finding answers. [mehr]

Machine Vision(s) : a Seventeen-Century Catoptric Device Reconsidered/Reconfigured

Research Seminar
In early modern Europe, it was not uncommon that mirrored devices were used to provide intense visual experiences. These practices were actually part of a scientific culture in which aesthetics played a fundamental role. Catoptric devices offered a wide range of optical illusions such as luxuriant gardens with topiaries and fountains, but also flying bodies, transformed faces and fire-spewing dragons or even alleys with splendid houses and palaces. [mehr]
Architecture’s fascination with the machinic dates to its very origins. The enquiry into the capacities of autonomous generation and the rendering of complex and often unpredictable aesthetic, tectonic, and spatial outcomes is engrained at the core of the architectural and urban disciplines. And nowadays, algorithmic prowess promises to revolution the generation of form. But to what aim? [mehr]

Flotsam. Writing the History of Objects Travelling without Texts

Research Seminar
The celestial globe displays the sky, the silver dots indicate the stars, the engraved lines and inscriptions the constellations. The brass globe, made in Lahore and purchased by Henry Moser during his travels in Central Asia, has not received scholarly attention so far. It belongs to a group of astronomical instruments produced in South Asia, which gained popularity at the Mughal court since the mid-16th century. [mehr]

Describing and Visualizing the Underworld: Athanasius Kircher’s Mundus Subterraneus and its Context

Research Seminar
Much like the human body, to which it was often compared, the body of the Earth was made of a visible surface and an invisible core. This seminar explores the challenges of describing and investigating the invisible that lies under the surface, but also the powerful draw it exerted on naturalists living in (or travelling to) specific locations across Italy. [mehr]
In this talk, I explore essential differences between medieval and modern ideas about acts of creation, obscuring our retrospective view upon the medieval artist, his or her work, and his or her self-understanding. I analyze forms of artistic self-representation in illuminations of Genesis and of the creation of the cosmos according to writings by antique and medieval natural philosophers. [mehr]
What happens when language is not the means of communication but the topic of discussion? How can language be visualized so that we can talk about it? The Latin alphabet can be used of course as well as Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Oriental characters. [mehr]
The violent transformation of landscapes with its related political and environmental conflicts is characterized by a historical oblivion that has been contested by art interventions that bring up and experiment with the motives and media of fluidities. [mehr]
Der Workshop findet im Rahmen des Editionsprojekts Heinrich Wölfflin – Gesammelte Werke statt und betrifft die Bände Die Kunst Albrecht Dürers (1905) und Italien und das deutsche Formgefühl (1931). [mehr]
Les Plages d’Agnès (2008) is Angès Varda's first genuinely autobiographical film. This talk will be focusing on Varda's means of reshaping canonic modes of self-representation such as autobiography, self-portrait or autofiction. [mehr]
The workshop aims to analyze and discuss various categories of texts related or linkable to sacred, ritual and liturgical spaces in the Middle Ages, with a geographical focus on Southern Italy. [mehr]
Christof Thoenes ci ha lasciato il 21 ottobre 2018 poche settimane prima del suo 90 compleanno. La Bibliotheca Hertziana organizza il 5 dicembre una conferenza di commemorazione in suo onore. Christof Thoenes, nato il 4 dicembre 1928 a Dresda, ha iniziato nel 1949 i studi di storia dell'arte, germanistica e filosofia alla Freie Universität di Berlino. [mehr]
A shared concern of Italian operaismo-minded artists of the 1960s and 1970s was to devise images that mirrored both the material culture of the period’s labor struggles and "the workers’ point of view". [mehr]
"Artistic Research" is a key term in contemporary art discourse and is intended to unite the fields of humanities and natural sciences. Artistic research, however, already existed in the 19th century, particularly in the field of history. This lecture explores the contribution of artists to the formation of the scientific discipline of art history in the 19th century. [mehr]
In the last decades, the far-reaching diffusion of electronic data processing instruments seems to have supplanted traditional methods of manual drawing and three-dimensional architectural model making. The capturing, planning and visualization of objects and buildings appears to be positively dominated by digital technologies and semi-automatic production methods, ranging from parametric and algorithmic modelling systems and digital recording tools to interactive animations and automatic 2D and 3D printing. [mehr]
Organized within the framework of the exhibition "Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia", 1948-1980 on view at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, this study day convened by co-curators Martino Stierli and Vladimir Kulić with curatorial assistant Anna Kats and Tristan Weddigen, director of the Biblioteca Hertziana, will not be limited to architecture but instead will look at networks of cultural production and exchange more broadly along the Adriatic coasts. [mehr]
What do we mean - or, better, what should we think we mean - when we use the term 'period eye'? Baxandall famously defined it as cognitive style, encompassing the visual skills and 'habits of inference and analogy' brought to the viewing experience by people of a particular time and place. [mehr]
In summer 2014, nearly 300 drawings held by the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe were newly attributed to Giovanni Battista Piranesi and his workshop. For decades, the drawings mounted in two albums had been attributed to the Karlsruhe architect Friedrich Weinbrenner (1766 - 1826). It had been assumed that Weinbrenner had executed them during his stay in Rome from 1792 to 1797. [mehr]
La Roma degli anni Settanta è costellata da episodi espositivi nati all'interno di spazi privati e in luoghi pubblici non designati all'arte e destinati ad ospitarla per scelte spesso non permanenti o semplicemente incidentali. Guardare a questi spazi come fossero opere aiuta a decifrare una storia alternativa, e successiva, alla mitografia che accompagna il decennio Sessanta. [mehr]
As if revisiting the religion's primordial decision in favor of an exoteric, rather than esoteric, identity, the Italian painters of the fourteenth century populated Christian subjects and scenes with semi-outsiders: watchers and doubters, anachronistic visitants, sponsors clerical and lay. Pressure on narrative from the outside tested the integrity of the artwork. [mehr]
How can art find ways to represent the undefinable "je ne sais quoi" of the bodily and moral ideal of Grace? The paper deals with two French artists as different as Jean Siméon Chardin and François Boucher who satisfied very different tastes of art in the 18th century. [mehr]
Un evento dell'Ambasciata della Repubblica Federale di Gemania a Roma, con la collaborazione della Bibliotheca Hertziana - Istituto Max Planck per la storia dell'arte. [mehr]
Martedì 25 settembre 2018 alle ore 17:00 presso Palazzo Carpegna, sede dell'Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, si terrà la cerimonia celebrativa degli 85 anni di Christoph Luitpold Frommel. Roma moderna instaurata: Christoph Luitpold Frommel e la storia dell'architettura rinascimentale. A seguire brevi allocuzioni di Bernard Aikema, Enzo Bentivoglio, Claudio Castelletti, Arnold Esch, Antonio Forcellino, Elisabeth Kieven, Golo Maurer, Pier Nicola Pagliara, Elisabetta Pastore, Georg Schelbert, Wolf Tegethoff e Vitale Zanchettin. [mehr]
Roughly two years after Rose of Lima was beatified (1669), the Peruvian Dominican Order, asked Juan Meléndez, the Chronicler of the Order, to write a description of the festivities with which the City of the Kings celebrated the promotion to sainthood of her most ilustrious child. Meléndez saved no rhetorical effort to stress the importance of the celebrations that took place in 1668 and 1669. [mehr]
Anlässlich des 70. Gründungsjubiläums der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und des 160. Geburtstags von Max Planck öffneten Max-Planck-Institute ihre Türen - auch in Rom. Der bundesweite Max-Planck-Tag richtete sich an alle Forschungsinteressierten und überhaupt jeden neugierigen Menschen: #wonachsuchstdu forderte die Besucher*innen auf, eigene Fragen rund um die Forschungsthemen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zu stellen. [mehr]
There was a time - but is it just over? - when some images were not just looked at, but eaten. Produced to be swallowed, they were consumed by the mouth rather than the eyes. This presentation will focus on this particular way of experiencing images, by examining the consumption of the edible artefacts (body paintings, eucharist, waffles, edible sculptures, figurative cakes) over the longue durée, and by highlighting the anthropological and cultural stakes that inform this specific practice. [mehr]
This interdisciplinary Study Day will focus on how early modern cities responded to or attempted to anticipate social or health crises by repurposing structures, constructing temporary shelters or buildings, or adapting urban spaces in the context of emergencies. These include, but are not limited to, disease outbreaks, displacement, migrations, wars, natural disasters, famines, etc. Over the centuries, these interventions have taken various forms, such as lazzaretti, temporary military barracks, makeshift refuges, and quarantine or segregation zones, among many others. [mehr]
Social change after WWI led to an accelerated change in the built environment. Within a broad stylistic scope of architectural and urban design projects, the structural 'DNA' of Italian historic cities was seen as a basic planning guideline. Historic paradigms determined not only trends in conservation but guided new approaches to architecture as well as urban and landscape design. [mehr]
"À Naples l'on n'aime que les bagatelles et les dorures." Il parere negativo di Gianlorenzo Bernini sulla propria città natale è caratteristico per la ricezione critica di Napoli. Già Jacob Burckhardt parlava con scetticismo dell'amore per il fasto (Prunkliebe) dei partenopei. [mehr]
In einer frühneuzeitlichen Kultur der variierten Formeln und Zitate sticht dennoch die frappierende Ähnlichkeit zwischen bestimmten exemplarischen Frauenfiguren heraus. Lucretia und Kleopatra sind dafür ein paradigmatischer Fall. Vom frühen 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Hochbarock finden sich gerade zwischen diesen immer wieder frappierende Zwillingsbildungen, die nicht recht zu ihrer disparaten Bewertung passen wollen. [mehr]
As complex systems with multiple institutional, civic, and religious topographies, early modern cities presented the foreigner with a beguiling series of mysteries. What tools, therefore, were available for gaining some kind of understanding of a foreign society that would allow travelers to connect their experience to home? [mehr]
Bei der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Bild und Wissen wurde dem Medium der Zeichnung und besonders der Linie im vergangenen Jahrzehnt vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit zuteil. Im Vordergrund standen dabei meist Skizzen, denen aufgrund ihrer Expressivität und Dynamik in der Linienführung ein exploratives und epistemisches Potential zugesprochen wird. [mehr]
The term "Mannerism" carries a fraught and contentious historiography that plays a significant role in shaping both the definition and scope of current scholarship. Formative studies by Jacob Burckhardt, Heinrich Wölfflin, Werner Weisbach, and Kurt Heinrich Busse imbued the term "Mannerism" with a pejorative connotation that effectively marginalized mid- to late-sixteenth century art. [mehr]
The choir screens of medieval churches were systematically dismantled in the 16th century, a process that obliterated the internal divisions within churches as well as their altars, pulpits, painted and sculptural decoration, and sepulchral monuments. [mehr]
Shared Spaces? Mobility, Cohabitation and Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Venice This paper draws on my larger research project on spaces of arrival for migrants and travellers to early modern Venice. It argues particularly that the city's many lodging houses offer a valuable key to understanding the nature and impact of mobility in an early modern metropolis. [mehr]
In name, a guidebook assures the reader of clarification and direction, but the term only seems to neatly define what to expect from these volumes. Instead, the claim to make sense of the unknown is complicated by shifting narrative strategies, choices of language, and the inclusion of illustrations. Recent interest in issues of orientation and subjectivity has shed new light on guidebooks; in addition, a profusion of new printed and digital editions of these works have reinvigorated a discussion of guidebooks as a form of knowledge produced at the intersection of description and dispersal. [mehr]
La memoria del regime fascista non è mai scomparsa dall'orizzonte delle arti contemporanee. Temi e figure del Ventennio costellano l'opera di artiste e artisti con modalità, frequenza e intensità diverse. Il seminario focalizza l'attenzione sull'opera di Giosetta Fioroni (1932) e Fabio Mauri (1926-2009), entrambi - con un breve scarto di anni - cresciuti negli anni del fascismo e attivi nel dopoguerra. [mehr]
We owe the Italian Renaissance picture more than the ideal human figure. Experiments in figuration, whether they involve contour or sfumato, cannot exist without ground, here understood in three senses of the word: first, the preparation of a given support (such as a gesso ground on panel); second, the plane on which figures stand; and third, the field in and against which figuration occurs. [mehr]
The discoveries of Columbus focused attention on the newly discovered but barely known regions on the far side of the earth, a new zone of convergence where East and West met and crossed over into one another. It was now possible to think beyond the "inhabited world" known since Antiquity and to consider the earth in global terms, which is to say as a geometric object viewable from more than one side. [mehr]
The Italia illustrata (written in the 1450s and published 1474) is a historical and geographical description of Italy in a topographical order. Biondo's narrative is based on a number of empirical sources, some are known, some are unknown and open for speculations. [mehr]
The aim of the seminar is to evaluate the usefulness of various concepts of intermediality derived from a modern literature on the subject in constituting a history of early modern media. To this end we are bringing together senior scholars of early modern art who have already been working on these themes, though not in these terms, alongside younger scholars whose research focuses on intermedial questions. [mehr]
This seminar will explore Raphael's use of materials and techniques in drawing and in doing so will present new discoveries. Over the past thirty years, approaches to the study of works on paper have gradually moved beyond univocal questions of connoisseurship. Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of looking at drawings as archaeological objects, whose materiality and stratigraphy can speak of their history. [mehr]
L'identità marittima dei potentati basso-tirrenici - il Principato di Salerno, i ducati di Napoli, Amalfi e Gaeta - fu favorita dal progressivo affrancamento dai sistemi sovraregionali (il Regno longobardo, l’Impero bizantino), nella seconda metà dell'VIII secolo. Tale proiezione verso il mare corrispondeva a nuove urgenze di circuitazione navale, rese ancora più pressanti dalla comparsa dei Musulmani d'Africa nelle acque del Mar Tirreno. [mehr]
The ideas regarding "barbarians" and "barbarity", produced since Classical Antiquity and until Early Modern times, have been studied in several and many times contrasting ways. The general consensus tends to stress the fact that the construction of an other simultaneously implies the conformation of the identity of the individual and the collective creating those distinctions. [mehr]

Blues napoletano: la sfida di una città postcoloniale

Reihe "Neue Forschungen zu Neapel/Nuove ricerche napoletane"
La città di Napoli vista come un archivio vivente e specifico, coinvolto storicamente e culturalmente in una serie di reti mediterranee, un archivio che ci pone domande su come capire e recepire lo spazio-tempo della modernità odierna. [mehr]

Caravaggio e i letterati

Interdisziplinäre Studientagung
Convegno interdisciplinare organizzato da Sybille Ebert-Schifferer e Laura Teza in collaborazione con l'Università di Perugia [mehr]
This conference will explore some of the different metaphorical, conceptual and cultural meanings associated with the Italian expression 'the mental woodworm' (il tarlo della mente). The woodworm as an image for a nagging thought (rovello, in Italian) is not common in English. [mehr]
Se la mostra si definisce come un insieme di relazioni spaziotemporali essa può diventare un mezzo particolarmente efficace per comprovare o invalidare concezioni correnti di temporalità. Secondo quali modalità questo legame con il tempo, congenito al formato espositivo, può essere messo in pratica nel riallestimento di collezioni museali? [mehr]
As part of the art historical research initiative Rome Contemporary, the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History is pleased to announce an evening of encounters between artists, scholars, and critics dedicated to the theme of embodied language in selected women's art practices, ranging from present to postwar Italy. [mehr]
Die Geschichte des Bauhauses und seine internationale Rezeption gelten als bestens untersucht. Erstaunlich ist vor diesem Hintergrund, dass die Perspektive italienischer Architekten und Architekturhistoriker auf die legendäre Schule bisher so gut wie keinerlei Aufmerksamkeit erfahren hat. Bedeutet dies, dass das Bauhaus in Italien keine Rolle gespielt hat? Wohl kaum. [mehr]
This talk will focus on Titian's Sacred and Profane Love in the Borghese Gallery in Rome. Scholars have struggled with making sense of the two female figures that occupy the unusual horizontal composition of this enigmatic painting. [mehr]
Die Tagung untersucht die systematische Verknüpfung zweier unterschiedlicher konventioneller Darstellungsformen: der Kopplung einer Landkarte mit einer Folge zumeist illusionistischer Ansichten, die sich auf denselben geographischen Raum beziehen. Während die Karte den Raum als Kontinuum konzipiert, fragmentieren die Ansichten ihn, lenken die Aufmerksamkeit der Betrachter*in auf einzelne Aspekte und lassen diese in räumliche und inhaltliche Bezüge zueinander treten. [mehr]
L'Archivio Centrale dello Stato conserva un fondo di circa 140.000 licenze di esportazione di opere d'arte da Roma, lungo un arco di tempo compreso fra il 1888 e il 1908. [mehr]
Secondo la definizione data da Marc Augé, il Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove è un 'super luogo'. Dal 2012 infatti in esso convergono e dialogano esigenze abitative, sperimentazioni artistiche ed esposizioni d’arte contemporanea. [mehr]
Quali sono le sfide e le direttive di crescita della principale collezione d'arte europea in una città come San Paolo del Brasile, la più estesa megalopoli del Sudamerica? Luciano Migliaccio, professore presso l'Universidade de São Paulo e curatore associato del Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), presenterà la storia del museo e il recente riallestimento che ha riportato in vita l'estetica voluta dalla progettista Lina Bo Bardi nel 1968, in cui i dipinti da Raffaello a Renoir sembrano fluttuare nel vuoto in un unico ampio spazio senza soluzione di continuità. [mehr]
This talk presents recent attempts to 'operationalise' Warburg's concept of Pathosformel - that is to say, to transform it into an algorithm. This process implies not only a conversion into computer language, but also an explicit reading of the concept itself, whose unforgiving nature forces us to consider each component of the concept in detail. [mehr]
L'Accademia degli Insensati di Perugia, nota per la connessione dei suoi poeti con le prime opere di Caravaggio, elaborò nell'ultimo quarto del Cinquecento un libro di imprese costituito da quarantaquattro bifolii cuciti insieme, contenenti l'impresa generale dell'Accademia e quelle degli affiliati della sua prima stagione. Il manoscritto rappresenta un unicum nel panorama contemporaneo in quanto gli Insensati optarono per il mezzo grafico e non per quello incisorio, come avveniva solitamente. [mehr]
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